Friday, February 4, 2011


Life changes...

David will be starting a new job on Monday.  It is a great opportunity for him professionally, and will enable us to climb out of our debt hole just a bit quicker.  Changes...for me as well at work.  Trying to stay focused on the organization of the house, getting things ready the evening before, memorizing Bible verses, doing my bible study, and...laundry.  ha.

Today was a hair day.  I love hair days, you can change your hair as often as you want.  You could have blond, red, auburn, brown, black hair in a matter of minutes.  Short, long (extensions) doesn't really matter any more either.

This picture was taken on New Year's Eve.  David and I celebrated with dear friends (and neighbors), and had a great time.   One of my favorite colors is pink.

My hair used to be thick, brown with highlights when I was younger.  I am thinning (I do not like this at all), and try to style to hide it.  Men can have thin hair, and they are called distinguished.  Well, not me.  My mother was a hair dresser/stylist/beautician in a small town.  I grew up having my hair cut (not always the way I wanted), but whenever I wanted, and she loved to play with color.  When a new product came in, she would want to try it out on me.  I loved/love being able to change my hair so quickly.  Changing habits or physical appearance (body) is much harder to do. new do: 

The picture is from a iphone, and a self portrait (with the help of a bathroom mirror).  So...I love the color, especially this time of year.  I am a creature of habit with my hair, and normally default back to styling one way.  I do like the way this frames my face (I have lost a little bit of weight), and thins me.

So...what do you think?

Jerry Ann

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