Sunday, November 14, 2010

Family - lost and found

Here is a short history of me.  My father Jerry David was killed during active duty in Germany 3 months before I was born.  My parents were living on an Army base in Germany, 1966.  My mother, Lore, went to live with my father's family in Livingston, Texas.  I was born in August of 1966, in Nederland, Texas.  My grandparents, 2 uncles, and aunt helped my mother with me and my colic.  Not a easy time for anyone especially me. 

For many reasons, my mother left their care and moved to Enterprise, Alabama. She had a support network, and felt this was her best move.  I don't really now specifics, mainly due to my Mom being quiet about it.  She didn't speak much of bad things in her life.  She loved Jerry, and felt she was doing what was best for us.

We visited often when I was young.  Not many memories, but I have pictures, and plan to ask who is who.  My Mom remarried when I was 3, Leroy Thurman, and he raised me as his own.  I really didn't know anyone else.  Once they were married, I remember traveling once, maybe twice, to see them.  But it just didn't work out to visit them. We did visit my mothers family in Germany, and they are precious to me. But...

Life went on, and I didn't see my paternal family again until I was 17.  It was a short weekend, and as a teenager, didn't really want to spend it with my Mamaw.  She was a strong lady, and able to do much.  In the last bit of years of my life, I have lost many family members, including my Mamaw, and Mom.  Only through Facebook, have I reconnected with my Aunt Clairece, and through her my Uncle Jake.

We plan to travel to Spring, Texas, where my Uncle Jake and Aunt Barbara live.  It will be a short trip, mainly to retrieve a piece of furniture from my Mom (left long ago with my Mamaw), and the property is being sold - so I have been offered the piece.  The furniture isn't the main reason I am wanting to travel.  I want to hear about my grandparents, father, and family.

I pray that I laugh much, and cry much.  I hope to have memories to pass on to my children of my father, and family.

Lost and found.  Sometimes, it can be found just in piece of furniture.

Jerry Ann

Monday, November 1, 2010

Pumpkin Seeds

Every October, we attend a families Fall Festival of sorts.  The kids can either color or carve pumpkins, 
bob for apples, eat yummy things, and run around like there is no tomorrow.

Carmen had to work, so David, Stephen and I went.  
It was a beautiful evening, not too hot or too cold.
Stephen was the oldest in attendance this year, but he still loves every minute. 
He immediately went to carving his pumpkin.
He carved his pumpkin, and tried to salvage the seeds for me.  
This pumpkin looks bothered to me. Not at all happy about the carving.

I rinsed the seeds when we got home (this did take more than just a rinse
to get all of the strings of pumpkin off).
Patted them dry with paper towels.
I used a Tablespoon of olive oil, and some kosher salt.
Baked for 10 at 350 degrees, then turned or tossed.
Baked for another 10-12 minutes or until dry.
Cool, and they are ready to snack on.  

They were really yummy, but David thought they were too dry.
Stephen and I enjoyed them. 
So, next time you carve a pumpkin, save your seeds!
