Wednesday, February 17, 2010

my mixer

I am in love.
Please bear with me..

Monday, February 15, 2010


It is a terrible thing, envy.

I had it regarding my engagement ring.  I love my current setting - cathedral 1.25 carrot diamond in white gold.  Beautiful.  David did all of the investigating of the diamond, color, clarity, everything.  We picked out the diamond setting. 

A coworker of mine got a solitare diamond recently...gorgeous in a Tiffany setting.  The Tiffany setting is simple and beautiful.  It really makes the diamond stand out.  I wanted mine to look like that...big, showy.

I spoke with David  about resetting my solitare.  Looked a several options.  I am keeping my setting, and just cleaning it more.

Our things are just that - things.  Mine is better than yours...mentality. I believe that we are all guilty at that one time or another.


The one thing that I have been wanting for a very long time (since I left home 30 years ago) was a KitchenAid Stand Mixer.  I have even tried to win one on - ree drummond gives one away once and a while.  Most recently, this past weekend. 

We, as a family, went to the movies on Saturday. We wandered into some shops, and of course, into Williams-Sonoma.  I went in to price the differences of the Mixers, and ON SALE, was the 90th Anniversary Edition =) Candy Apple Red Artisan Stand Mixer.  Last one was the display model....for $150 off.  Yes!
We bought it...

and I took it out of its box...and it sits on MY counter...and now - what to make?

No, I am not going to reset my ring.  I love it just the way it is.  Always have.

I am giddy about my new mixer.  Pictures and recipes to come soon.  =)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Looking back...

Looking back over your life...are you happy with the choices that you have made?

Do you find yourself questioning where you are? 

I do.

I can't believe that I had a difficult first marriage, one that I would have never thought of ending, but had to.

I am blessed with those surrounding me. Strong personalities, with dynamic choices in life.


We all have them.

I am not strong with algebra.  In high school - fine, in college not just once but twice failure.

I believe I need to conquer that fear.  Fear of hearing the doubt that was instilled by my first husband.  Doubt.

Faith - can I succeed?  Yes.  

Now, where do I sign up?  Okay - Lord, you are my rock.  Here I stand.

Thankful I am a child in God's hands.

What are your doubts?


Monday, February 8, 2010


Four years ago today my mother passed away.  I miss her so.  Even though we knew it was going to happen, didn't make it easier. 

You never forget your Mother, good or bad.  I miss lots of things about her.  How she would yell in German, or her love of Disney World, snuggling with the kids, or her love of chocolate.  I think most of all,  I miss her stroking my hair when I would sit by her.  Her hands were soft, and she liked to wear pink nail polish. 

Kiss your Mom.  Time goes too quickly.

I love you - Mom.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Exhausting, painful day

The past week has truly been an exhausting, painful week.  My hips are throbbing to the point of waking me up out of a drugged sleep.  Painful.

Movement is slow.  Sharp pains occur, but it is the dull constant pain that bothers me more.  Sitting is okay until I need to move, then the movement is okay, but for only a short period of time. 

It affects my mood to where is noticeable to everyone. I am a happy person normally around people, but this past week it has been difficult dealing with everyday  moments - challenges. 

Everyone walks with difficulty, sometimes it is apparent, and sometimes it isn't. 

Smile, encourage someone.  You may be the lift that they need today.

God is good all the time.  All the time God is GOOD!  His grace is awesome.  I am so very blessed.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Mac and Cheese


Okay - Macaroni and Cheese...I normally cook this out of a box...yes, you know the one, blue box.  It is a good choice, especially when you are in a rush, or have kids.  I love the box kind.  Never really thought much about making it from scratch.

Well, I get this great cookbook "The Pioneer Woman Cooks" by Ree Drummond.  She does this like it is a no-brainer. Check her out at

I had a bunch of leftover plain elbow macaroni.  So, I thought I would give it a try.

It was the BEST Mac and Cheese ever!

Ree cooks a mean Mac and Cheese!  Yummy!  You have got to try it.