Sunday, March 14, 2010


Lentils and I go way back.  

My Mom used to make lentils, a thick concoction, with a ham hock.  She also served it over noodles or spatzle.  I really loved that. I love this version as well.  Although tonight, I had hickory smoked sausage.

So, here goes:

Pretty generic Lentils.  Wash them in cold water.  Soak for about 10 minutes.

Begin by sauteing an onion in some olive oil.  Add celery, and sausage.
Cook until sausage is somewhat browned, and vegetables are translucent.  

Add about 4 carrots (sliced), and garlic.  Continue over medium heat.  
Add in chicken stock, and water if needed. 
I also add dried parsley, and some ground pepper.

Add the rinsed lentils, and add in a couple of bay leaves.  This really adds a lot of flavor to the lentils.

Cooked over medium to high heat until lentils and carrots are cooked through. 
It is a really hearty soup.  Enjoy!

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