Sunday, August 1, 2010

quiet time

Yesterday was a very busy day.  We went clothes/shoe shopping with Stephen.  I had put it off for way too long, and he has grown out most everything.

We went to Kohl's (I had a coupon for an additional 15% off).  We ended up purchasing just enough.  And, then some.  We saved $280!  Yes, saved!  Between costs of items originally $21, paid $11, and then 15% off of that.  I signed up at Kohl's for their email savings...I would suggest you do the same.

Two pairs of shoes (1 boat shoes - Chaps, and 1 black dress shoes)
Two pairs of jeans - Levi's
Two pairs of Arrow khaki's
3 dress shirts (button downs)
4 t-shirts
1 plaid shorts
1 basketball, reversible shorts
1 warm up pants
1 leather reversible belt
3 packages of underware
3 packages of socks (white, and dress)
toys...yes, toys, for a newly turned 1 year old.

Really doesn't seem like much, but then on top of all of this...$60 in Kohl's cash to be used August 2-6.  I can purchase $60 worth of merchandise, and not pay for a penny of it.

Today is quiet time.  Haven't moved much.  Just a bit of laundry, and lots of tv time.
Enjoy the chaos...and then quiet time.

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