Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Endings and New Beginnings

I am so sorry that I haven't posted in a long while.  We have been busy with Carmen and Stephen's graduations.  Finally have a moment to post some pictures of all of the events that have kept us occupied for the past several weeks.

First was Stephen's graduation.  He has attended Liza Jackson Preparatory School since Kindergarten.  This hit me emotionally far more than I realized it would.  Alex, and Nico have been consistent friends through middle school, and we are thankful for their friendships.  Stephen is going to be (hopefully) the Stylemarchers at Choctaw High next fall.  He has had a rough year, but survived, and we are all truly thankful.

Carmen graduated with Cum Laude Honors, National Honor Society, French Honor, International Baccalaureate program, Yearbook staff, Wheelettes Service Club, Indian Scholar, and Anne T. Mitchell Award recipient for 4 years.  Lots, that meant she worked hard (not really - she is really gifted in a lot of areas, which irritates me and Stephen.) and awarded for her work.

Carmen will be attending Auburn in the Fall, with some scholarships (Yeah!!).  We are transitioning this summer (I guess), and will be busy with getting her ready to be on her own.  

So, again, thank you for your patience.  I will be updating more now (hopefully), but haven't been cooking, let alone time for posting.

Have a great summer!! 

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